Handle your warranty claims, automatically
No more back-and-forth emails about claims and returns. Handle your claims efficiently with automations made powerful with integrations.

Used by 10,000+ retailers and suppliers

Make sure each ticket reaches the right team
Build custom flows for all your customers' after sales issues such as deliver issues, warranty claims and more.
Know exactly how to handle every ticket
Send each ticket to the correct team, ensuring a speedy resolution time and less internal chaos.
Instantly refund customers, directly from the platform
Create custom actions enabled by integrations, to quickly resolve issues such as warranty claims.
"I can handle 5-10 claims in Claimlane during the time it takes to handle 1 via email"
Tired of manually handling warranty claims? Then don't.
Book a demo"If you removed Claimlane tomorrow i would cry"

A platform to handle all your returns
Book a demoClaims handling
Get rid of email chains. Handle claims fast.
Reduce your resolution time on claims by 80% with a platform built to handle claims.
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Build powerful workflows
Create workflows for specific customer needs such as repairs, faulty deliveries and other specific use cases.
More about workflows ->
Forward to supplier
Get your credit notes, faster
Get credit notes quickly by communicating with your suppliers using Claimlane's supplier chat.
More about forward to supplier->